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Loaded Vanguard from Loaded Longboards £139.95
by Jake Denyer Date Added: Tuesday 31 August, 2010
I got this board about 3 months ago and i can safely say that i love everything about it, the flex just makes it so easy to pump and do some massive downhill carving, i wouldn't recommend it for speed goin down the hills but if your gonna be carving all the way to the bottom then this board will make it worth walkin back up that thang! and because its so light, it makes it incredibly easy to push in some old skool kick flips, its an all around amazing board, brilliant for commuting because of the trucks (randal R-2's 180mm for me) I even took it sliding a few times which was THE MOST fun i've pretty much ever had on a longboard and the graphic on this board is just the icing on the cake :) i love it and i recommend it over any other board brand

Rating: 5 of 5 Stars! [5 of 5 Stars!]
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Loaded Vanguard from Loaded Longboards
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